Episode 92: How Knowing Your Numbers Leads to Exponential Growth with Margy Feldhuhn


If you’ve ever wondered how businesses scale up to $10m-plus turnover, this is a conversation you can’t afford to miss. In this episode 92 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Margy Feldhuhn, CEO of the world’s first podcast booking agency, Interview Connections, who’s working on doing just that. 

As the ultimate 21st century business, Interview Connections works with podcast hosts and entrepreneurs to build connections and help grow their personal brands. Margy shares her views on the importance of knowing and understanding her numbers, and her own personal journey of taking her business, in conjunction with her business partner, Jessica Rhodes, from 7 figure turnover to cracking the 8 figure mark. 

Sharing the statistics on the number of women running businesses over $2 million turnover and beyond, Sam relays to Margy her own personal experience and the lessons she’s learned along the way. They discuss their shared love of numbers and Margy imparts valuable insights on getting numbers to work for you. 

With a business on the brink of $3million turnover and growing exponentially, Margy is well placed to guide other aspiring business owners on their path to scale. This inspiring, yet very relatable conversation, will give you a fresh perspective on what’s truly possible. 

Listen to an excerpt

What we cover in this episode 

  • The power of knowing the numbers 

  • Taking the emotion out of the financials 

  • The “8 figure” club 

  • The shift required to get from $2m to $10m turnover 

  • Why you need a future Org Chart 

  • Margy’s top tips to take your business to the next level 


“If you own the business, you are solely responsible for your own numbers. You cannot avoid the numbers”  Margy 

“There’s so much emotion around numbers and I think it’s important to take some of that emotion out. Because it is a scorecard. Your numbers are telling the story of your business. They’re telling the story of what’s happened in the past and you can use them to predict what’s going to happen in the future, but you have control.“ Margy

“If you can’t understand the information, then the question you should be asking is ‘How can I lay it out, or have someone else lay it out, in a way that I can absorb it, and clearly understand what’s going on’ “ Margy 

“95% of businesses in Australia turn less than 2($m). Only 8% (of the remaining 5%) turn more than 8 (figures)“ Sam

“It’s so challenging. The whole $2million and then 2 to 10, it’s just very different. I think, getting to seven figures was done very much on instinct, and just going for it and winging it.“ Margy 

“There’s a tactical part of it, and then there’s an energetic part of it, for me, and then there’s a leadership part” Margy 

“I have grown so much, and matured so much, as a leader, that again that energy part, that I feel ready to actually go for it, and not hold back. And now I’m dealing with those little things in the business, that part of me didn’t want to grow bigger“  Margy 

“The vision of the owner can sustain to that ($2m), whereas then it has to become the vision of the business and all of the human energy in it“ Sam

Links mentioned 

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Episode 93: Simple Solutions to a Global Problem, with Evannah Jayne


Episode 91: Growing Your Business by Building Your Virtual Team, with Cheryl Leong